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SDHR implements foundation program remotely

22 January, 2021

 As part of the remote training system, the Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources, SDHR, implements the foundation program “Positive Leadership in Uncertain Times”, targeting all job levels, as the program is held using the Microsoft Teams.
The nomination for the program witnessed a large turnout of government employees from various entities and institutions in all cities of the Emirate in Sharjah and the Central and Eastern regions, as soon as the program was announced within the Directorate’s plan for training and foundational programs for the month of January.

The program has highlighted several points, most notably methods of positive self-management and development, positive thinking, personal planning and organisation, identification of criteria for achieving self-positivity, creating effective communication strategies, and developing rapid response mechanisms in unstable times, as well as several other topics that benefited the employees through developing the staff capacities. 

The Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources implements its programs within the training system through remote training techniques , underscoring its keenness to provide all government employees with proactive insights in all strategies and affairs that serve the future and modern trends.